Essays and Images


‘Essays and Images’ by Garry Kennard, published by GV Artbegins a rare, in-depth conversation between neuroscience and the lived experience of a contemporary artist. It examines perception, illusion, memory and dreams and the strange mind states involved in transcendence, myth making and self-creation. Kennard believes that it is now impossible for artists to ignore new knowledge of our perceptions emerging from neuroscience nor fail to acknowledge the profound nature of its implications for life in a post-religious world. To compliment the essays the book contains 19 colour reproductions of Garry Kennard’s paintings. Comments on ‘Essays and Images’:

From Dr Paul Broks (author of ‘Into the Silent Land’): . . . thanks for sending me a copy of Essays and Images. It’s a very fine piece of work, some lovely writing, and I know I’ll be dipping into it again and again. Congratulations!

From Noah Hutton of ‘The Beautiful Brain’ website:  Your book is absolutely wonderful. Or, I should say, rather – fills me with a feeling of wonder. Dynamite stuff. Just wanted to send you a quick note as I’m very excited by what I’ve read so far.

From Professor Sunetra Gupta, scientist and novelist:
I have meanwhile been reading – and very much enjoying – your essays. I particularly like the concept of a temple of transaction . . . and felt a great affinity with the idea that the approach to a particular space is crucial – that the experience of a cathedral can indeed be completely altered by entering it through the wrong door.

Alice Kingsnorth, art lecturer, Sacramento:
This work is a rich, sparse, beautiful, clear contribution. So appreciate the sensibleness of your thoughts, what you consider important to state, the statements themselves whether, written or visual, the artful brevity, the layout, and adore the mix of genres and which writers you chose to quote. Thank you so much for seeing it through. A fine, fine, fine elegant, less is more, contribution to human culture.

Andrew Copson, Chief Executive, British Humanist Association:
Thanks very much for the book which I read over the holiday with interest and admiration (‘The Ends of Art’ no less than ‘Man in a Dark Room’).

All the essays in this book maybe read and/or dowloaded from the list below.

Essays and Images: Preface by Rita Carter

Essays and Images: Prologue

Essays and Images: Visions – uninvited guests

Essays and Images: Dreams – where do we go?

Essays and Images: Memory – what exactly happened?

Essays and Images: Keeping the lid on it – a rural interlude

Essays and Images: Paying attention – The disappearance of Rosa

Essays and Images: Man in a dark room – the shadows of perception

Essays and Images: Uses of paradox

Essays and Images: Temples of transaction

Essays and Images: The ends of art


Essays and Images: Proverbs from the Void