This triptych is designed to be displayed some form of a chapel or a chapel-like space. This could be of any any religion or none, as long as the ambience/architecture suits the purpose. The painting is an object of contemplation and should work in the manner of an icon.
The triptych has an overall size of 330cms wide x 110cms in height.
To begin with I made some trial watercolours derived from certain images of ‘divine light’ found in renaissance and baroque church frescoes – without the figures and very simplified. I have used colour declensions seen in ceiling paintings by Gualli (Baciccio), Pozzo and others.
To see the sketches images click on the image below.
I then combined these with a lower cartouche containing images from human life.
To see these images click here on the image below.
All these paintings are on A3 sheets.
I am looking for a placement for these images. If you can make any suggestions for this then please get in touch via the contacts page here: CONTACT
The image below is to give an idea of the scale. The artist with the central panel.